Sponsored by the ABAA
October 21, 3:00pm Eastern time
Please join us to honor this year’s prizewinners of the National Collegiate Book Collecting Contest’s Susan Tane Prize for Student Book Collectors, via Zoom. In addition to the awards, the Library of Congress’ Chief of Rare Books and Special Collections Division, Mark Dimunation, will interview each winner.
First Prize
Daria Rose Evdokimova (Harvard University)
“Ardis Publishers and the Immigrant Identity”
Second Prize
Francesca Mancino (Case Western Reserve University)
“Reassessing Modernism: Women Writers and Publishers of the Lost Generation”
Third Prize
Austin Benson (University of Virginia)
“The Little Office[s] of Our Lady, 1599-1966: Online Book Collecting During the COVID-19 Pandemic.”
Essay Prize
Elizabeth Propst (Harvard University)
“How Much Am I Bid for the Moon?: Collecting Poetry on the Cheap”
With thanks to our colleagues and judges from the Fellowship of American Bibliophilic Societies (FABS), the Grolier Club, and the Center for the Book and the Rare Books and Special Collections Division (the Library of Congress) for making the contest happen once again, and to Susan Tane for funding the prizes.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Open to the public. Register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_XhFzukY8TYmnSOiXZ-lcWw