Sponsored by The Baltimore Bibliophiles Please join us on Tuesday, September 17, at 7:00 pm EDT/4:00pm EDT (via ZOOM) when Collections Advisor Spencer W. Stuart shares insights and common challenges from recent organizational audits for Bibliophilic societies as well as other cultural organizations worldwide. The COVID Pandemic was an extremely disruptive period for non-profit cultural organizations. Some pivoted to online offerings and expanded their audiences, while others recoiled due to a pre-COVID lack of long-term planning. Emerging from this, many Societies still have major issues to address in order to attract new members, maintain their financial commitment and foster their volunteer support. Through this talk, we will explore what is currently required to carry out this process and the potential outcomes it can generate for an organization seeking to both maintain current membership and grow long-term. This program is not being recorded! So come prepared to listen and learn – and take copious notes! To receive a link please contact Binnie Syril Braunstein The Baltimore Bibliophiles BSBGC@aol.com 443-519-6366 www.BaltimoreBibliophiles.org
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