Here's our list of January bookish events from FABS member societies:
Jan 6: The FABS Handpress Era Zoom group this month features John Windle on the pochoir process used by Trianon Press to create extraordinary facsimiles of books by William Blake and others. Contact: Jennifer Larson (
Jan 9: As soon as people in the West learned to print, they made little books. But what types of books were produced in very small formats, and why? Using examples from her collection, FABS Chair Jennifer Larson will describe the development of very small formats and typography, and explore the literary authors and titles most often chosen for distribution in small formats during the Handpress Era. Open to members of FABS Societies (Book Club of Detroit).
Jan 10: As Londoners became increasingly literate, publishers met their desire for exciting (and inexpensive) content with a host of sensational soft cover serialized stories. These quickly earned the nickname Penny Dreadfuls. Unfortunately they weren’t exactly produced on high quality paper and nestled firmly between sturdy boards, so they tended to be read to death – and then repurposed to answer a variety of household uses. Morgan Swan of Dartmouth’s Special Collections will share examples from their remarkable collection. (The Caxton Club)
Jan 13: Joel Silver of the Lilly Library will sit for a Q&A about J. K. Lilly and the Lilly's extraordinary collection of manuscripts and books (Jefferson's own copy of the first printing of the Bill of Rights, J. M. Barrie's ms for "Peter Pan," a Shakespeare First Folio and much more). Come prepared with questions! (The Manuscript Society)
Jan 16: The FABS 19th Century Zoom group invites you to join us for convivial conversation on all things bookish and 19th century! To join the mailing list and receive links, contact Jennifer Larson at
Jan 21: Join Leonard Marcus, one of the world’s preeminent authorities on children’s books, for a presentation entitled “Strong Women, Great Books: The Women Who Invented American Children’s Book Publishing.” (The Baltimore Bibliophiles)
Jan 22: The John Cage Collection held in the library at Northwestern University is a major research collection concerning the life and work of one of the most important artists of the 20th Century. Cage’s use of indeterminacy, electronics, silence, and other innovations created a lasting and profound impact on many creative fields. In this talk,Music Library Curator Greg MacAyeal will describe the collection and tell the story of how it came to the university.
Jan 28: FABS Living With Books Zoom group, hosted by Reid Byers. Join us for conversation about all the pleasures and challenges of home libraries. This month's topics: 1. Categorization - your personal book divisions; 2. Four feet of books on a three foot shelf: making room for new books.
Contact: Jennifer at
Stay tuned to the FABS Calendar, as more events are sure to be posted soon.