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Interested in the early age of print? Join us on Zoom! Members of this group show and discuss examples of “printed books and other printed works created before ca. 1800.”
For the meeting of October 9:
Elizabeth Canning: “The Worst Fate Bookes Have”: How Margaret Cavendish Shaped Her Literary Legacy. Join us to explore the publishing practices of groundbreaking author Margaret Cavendish across four of her works, including the rare 1668 stand-alone edition of The Blazing World, along with her first book, Poems and Fancies, from 1653.
John McQuillen, Associate Curator at the Morgan Library and Museum: Printing Plants: Illustrated Herbal Incunabula. The first European printed herbals had bold graphics and clear layouts. The illustrations were copied repeatedly as printers issued competing editions trying to claim their share of this new commercial market. What can we learn about how early books were marketed just from their layout?
We meet the second Monday of the month from 7:30-8:30pm Eastern Time.
To join the mailing list and receive invitations for this Zoom group, write to info@fabsocieties.org.