San Francisco Beer: A History of Brewing by the Bay

The story of beer in San Francisco is as old as the city itself. San Francisco had its first commercial brewery by 1847, two years before the gold rush, and went on to reign as the major brewing center in the American West through the nineteenth century. From the 1930s to the early 1950s, iconic […]

Scott Borchert on Republic of Detours: How the New Deal Paid Broke Writers to Rediscover America

Hosted by the Caxton Club. Starving authors. The Federal Writers’ Project. All 48 states plus territories, cities, and even rivers. Stories beyond numbering. Books tucked away next to a chimney in an attic. Jim Thompson, Zora Neale Hurston, John Cheever, Studs Terkel, Vardis Fischer, Ralph Ellison and the House Un-American Activities Committee. All of these […]

What If? Writing Short Fiction for Fun and Profit | Elaine Togneri

Hosted by the Florida Bibliophile Society. Elaine has published fiction, nonfiction, and poetry, but she is best known for her mystery stories, which have been published on the Web, in anthologies, and in major magazines. This event is virtual, with an in-person gathering at the Seminole Community Library. To receive a Zoom Meeting link call […]