Sponsored by The Caxton Club
6:30pm CT, 7:30pm EST
The 1930s were the “golden age” of mural art in the United States. In 1935, Chicago artist Miklos Gaspar was commissioned to paint a mural cycle on all 93 feet of wall space in a private dining and meeting room of the Union League Club of Chicago. The murals depict in 28 scenes the activities at two Chicago boys clubs and a Wisconsin summer camp then operated by an affiliate of the Union League Club. These murals, still extant today, are a handsome example of that 1930s artistic tradition.
Join Caxtonian and Union League Club member John Blew in a behind the scenes virtual exploration of these murals, their artist, and the history of the events that spurred their creation. His talk was given to a live audience at the Union League Club in September 2021 and recorded at that time. John will be available after this Zoom presentation to respond to questions.
John Blew was born and raised in Chicago. He is a graduate of Dartmouth College and Harvard Law School, after which he practiced corporate and securities law in Chicago for 45 years, retiring in 2011.
Please register if you’d like to see this program, even if you can’t attend at 6:30 on January 25. After the program, all registrants will receive an email offering an opportunity to request a link to a recording of the complete program.
Register here: https://caxtonclub.org/event-5108556