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The Global Library Project
Monday, July 18, 2022, 6-7:15 PM
In-Person event & Livestream to Zoom
After 18 years of photographing libraries throughout the United States, Robert Dawson and Ellen Manchester took what they had learned and applied it to a global perspective. In 2016, they photographed more than 80 libraries in Northern and Eastern Europe, as well as in Ukraine and Moscow. Their journey took them from a library in the infamous refugee camp “the Jungle” in Calais, France, to Holocaust-haunted former synagogues turned into libraries in Poland, to libraries close to the hot war in eastern Ukraine, and finally, to a Russian State Library for young adults in Moscow. In 2018-2019, on a Fulbright Fellowship, Dawson and Manchester photographed libraries throughout Greece, Italy, and Israel.
The Global Library Project investigates the role of public and private libraries in communities throughout the world. It is the subject of an exhibition currently on display at the San Francisco Public Library.
An in-person and virtual presentation via Zoom by Robert Dawson, photographer, and Ellen Manchester, independent curator
Register to watch the Live Stream on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_86ql_iSqSUev-IYCxfGDzw