Sponsored by The Caxton Club December Midday Program A recent Caxton Club program unfolded like an English country house mystery: The Case of the Poison Pigments, in which the Winterthur Library played a vital detecting role. New to Inspector Winterthur? Well, imagine a 175-room house nestled into a remarkable thousand-acre estate. […]
Allie Alvis
3 posts
Sponsored by The Book Club of California Before Amazon, before big box stores, and even before mailboxes sagged under the weight of catalogs in the mid-20th century, customers and shop-owners alike turned to a wide variety of media to select their purchases, and to aspire to grander lifestyles. Trade cards, […]
Sponsored by The Book Club of Washington A virtual visit with a terrific guide (Allie Alvis, Curator of Special Collections) to get the back story on the formation of the unique collection at Winterthur (Delaware) and some of the beautiful and bizarre items it contains. Register here: https://www.bookclubofwashington.org/events-1/the-wonderful-and-weird-winterthur-library