Sponsored by FABS 19th Century Group (third Thursday of the month). Congenial conversation on all things 19th-century and bookish. You are welcome! To join the list contact Jennifer Larson at info@fabsocieties.org
nineteenth century
Sponsored by The Book Club of Washington We are delighted that Paul Erickson, Director of the Clements Library at the University of Michigan, can join us in Seattle to make a presentation at Folio in Seattle’s Pike Place Market. Co-hosted by the Book Club of Washington and the U-M Club […]
Sponsored by FABS Next meeting: October 19 The 19th Century special interest group will meet the third Thursday of the month from 4:30-5:30pm Pacific/7:30-8:30pm Eastern. This SIG offers “a broad look at the 19th Century bibliophilic world; presentations and discussion for collectors, scholars, creatives and other book professionals.” To register, […]
Sponsored by FABS The 19th Century special interest group will meet the third Thursday of the month from 4:30-5:30pm Pacific/7:30-8:30pm Eastern beginning September 21. This SIG offers “a broad look at the 19th Century bibliophilic world; presentations and discussion for collectors, scholars, creatives and other book professionals.” To register, contact […]
The Book Club of California Even among iconic frontiersmen like John C. Frémont, Kit Carson, and Jedediah Smith, Jim Bridger stands out. A mountain man of the American West, straddling the fur trade era and the age of exploration, he lived the life legends are made of. His adventures are […]
Sponsored by The Caxton Club POSTPONED: A scheduling conflict arose and we’re hopeful that we can deliver this program during our 2023–2024 season. Online and open to all. Quick. What are the two flattest U.S. states? Here’s a hint, neither correct response starts with “Kansas.” First place honors belong to […]
Sponsored by The Manuscript Society Manuscript Monday – The Tile Club 1877-1887 Monday, November 7, 2022; 8:00PM-9:00 Eastern Presenter: Dr. Stuart Embury Moderator: Brian Kathenes The Tile Club was one of many societies that formed across the United States during the late nineteenth century. It included well-known artists; Winslow Homer, […]