Sponsored by The Baltimore Bibliophiles Join The Baltimore Bibs and curator Reid Byers for a discussion of his Grolier Club exhibition “Imaginary Books:Lost, Unfinished and Fictive Works from the Collection Of Reid Byers.” For a link contact Binnie Syril Braunstein, bsbgc@aol.com
The Baltimore Bibliophiles
Sponsored by The Baltimore Bibliophiles Join Leonard Marcus and The Baltimore Bibliophiles for a presentation entitled “Strong Women, Great Books: The Women Who Invented American Children’s Book Publishing.” For link contact Binnie Syril Braunstein, bsbgc@aol.com
Sponsored by The Baltimore Bibliophiles Please join us on Tuesday, September 17, at 7:00 pm EDT/4:00pm EDT (via ZOOM) when Collections Advisor Spencer W. Stuart shares insights and common challenges from recent organizational audits for Bibliophilic societies as well as other cultural organizations worldwide. The COVID Pandemic was an extremely disruptive period for non-profit cultural organizations. Some pivoted to online offerings and expanded their audiences, while others recoiled due to a pre-COVID lack of long-term planning. Emerging from this, many Societies still have major issues to address in order to attract new members, maintain their financial commitment and foster their volunteer support. Through this talk, we will explore what is currently required to carry out this process and the potential outcomes it can generate for an organization seeking to both maintain current membership and grow long-term. This program is not being recorded! So come prepared to listen and learn – and take copious notes! To receive a link please contact Binnie Syril Braunstein The Baltimore Bibliophiles BSBGC@aol.com 443-519-6366 www.BaltimoreBibliophiles.org
Sponsored by The Baltimore Bibliophiles From the “Battle of the Books” to an Internationally Known Special Collection. Baltimore Bibliophiles presents a virtual tour of the Gordon W. Prange Collection at the University of Maryland Libraries with curator Kana Jenkins. The Prange Collection is the most comprehensive archive in the world […]
Sponsored by The Baltimore Bibliophiles April 17, 2024, 7pm EDT via Zoom. “Hidden Gems in Two American Austen Collections.” The Baltimore Bibliophiles will welcome Juliette Wells, professor of literary studies at Goucher College and the author of three histories of Austen’s readers and fans, most recently A New Jane Austen: […]
Sponsored by the Baltimore Bibliophiles On Thursday, March 22nd, we will welcome Leslie Long, who works in the General Collections Conservation Section at the Library of Congress. Tying in with Women’s History Month, Leselie will introduce us to Margaret Neilson Armstrong, a 19th and early 20th-century American book cover designer, […]
Sponsored by The Baltimore Bibliophiles Cassie Brand, Curator of Rare Books at Washington University Libraries in St. Louis will present a talk to The Baltimore Bibliophiles. Her topic is: “From Treasure Room to Reading Room: The History of Special Collections.” The ZOOM program begins at 7:00 pm eastern (US and […]
Sponsored by The Baltimore Bibliophiles Our Tuesday, January 16 ZOOM program features Margaret D. Stetz and Mark Samuels Lasner on “Max Beerbohm: The Price of Celebrity” Margaret D. Stetz: “What Would Beerbohm Do?” Mark Samuels Lasner: “A Lifelong Attack of Maximania: Collecting Max Beerbohm” The time as usual is 7:00 […]
Sponsored by The Baltimore Bibliophiles Baltimore Bibliophiles is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Chris Needham. Theft, Mutilation and Forgery–True Book Crimes @ the Baltimore Bibs Time: Oct 19, 2023 7:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88495057804?pwd=QStxZkM1Wm5UYlZ3ZThwZ3dqbEJEdz09 Meeting ID: 884 9505 7804 Passcode: 916571 […]
Sponsored by The Baltimore Bibliophiles Our Thursday, May 18 (ZOOM) program features novelist Susan King. She will tell us what motivated her to write a very different (from Shakespeare) version of Macbeth. The result was Lady Macbeth: A Novel. Please join us in hearing about a very different version of […]