Sponsored by The Grolier Club
April 4, 6:00-7:30pm
Children’s voices – found in diaries, manuscript newspapers, and other child-authored texts – constitute essential evidence for a fuller history of the American past, illuminating how young people encountered and interpreted their worlds. While such texts are abundant, they are not easily discoverable in archives. American Antiquarian Society curators – including Grolier Club member Laura Wasowicz and manuscript curator Ashley Cataldo – will discuss the history of American children as authors, diarists, printers, and publishers, and introduce a new initiative to make them available. “Historic Children’s Voices, 1799-1899,” supported with funds from the National Endowment for the Humanities, will provide intellectual access to child-authored texts via detailed cataloging and digitization. AAS will be making over 11,000 pages from these sources accessible to a wide variety of audiences via a web resource, a conference, a public program, and teaching support for K-12 classrooms. This talk will feature examples of recently digitized and cataloged materials.
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/virtual-lecture-child-authored-texts-tickets-532140726237?aff=ebdsoporgprofile