Sponsored by The Baltimore Bibliophiles
Olya Samilenko will speak on her book The Snow Goose Chronicles.
A must read for anyone interested in the history of Ukraine, its life, and the fate of Ukrainian peasants during the Soviet period.
In this work, Samilenko takes us on a fascinating ride through 20th century Ukraine and its tragic history, as experienced by two Ukrainians and two Jews. Samilenko’s describes what can only be called the genocide of the peasants. She includes the GULAGs, labor camps in Karelia, especially “Solovki” located in the former “Solovetsky” Monastery on a Northern island where inmates starved and froze to death.
Thursday, December 16, 2021. 7:00 pm. Eastern time on Zoom. To register contact Binnie Syril Braunstein at bsbgc@aol.com