Sponsored by The Grolier Club Curator William Palmer Johnston leads a prerecorded tour of his exhibition “Melville’s Billy Budd at 100” followed by a live online Q&A. Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/virtual-tour-and-curator-qa-for-billy-budd-at-100-exhibition-tickets-1027617320067?aff=erelpanelorg Melville’s Billy Budd at 100 commemorates the centenary of the posthumous and first publication of Herman Melville’s novella Billy Budd (1924), the story of a young […]
Herman Melville
3 posts
Sponsored by The Grolier Club Join The Grolier Club for a livestreamed Symposium on Billy Budd in conjunction with Grolierite William Palmer Johnston’s exhibition, Melville’s Billy Budd at 100, running in the Club’s second-floor Gallery through November 9, 2024. The Club will host this symposium on Herman Melville and his novella Billy Budd in the ground-floor Exhibition Hall. Note: this is […]
Sponsored by The Book Club of California and The American Trust for the British Library The White Whale: Moby-Dick Illustrated Monday, September 30, 2024, 6-7:15 PM (Pacific) | In-Person and Virtual Presentation 5:30 PM Pacific – Reception 6:00 PM Pacific – Program At the time of Herman Melville’s death, in […]