Sponsored by The Grolier Club Whodunit, you ask? Carolyn Wells—82 times between 1909 and 1942. Yet she is all but unknown today, unless it’s for her bibliomystery classic, Murder in the Bookshop (1936). In the early 20th century, she was an immensely popular author, excelling at country house and locked-room novels of […]
The Grolier Club Copyright today controls a vast range of created things, from songs to software, fancy dress costumes and semiconductor chip designs; it also provides a neverending income stream to the owners of the rights it creates, who almost always turn out to be corporations. That’s obviously not what […]
Sponsored by The Baltimore Bibliophiles Binnie Syril Braunstein Baltimore writer Binnie Syril Braunstein has authored three romance novels and thirty-six published short stories. The novels (The Color of Love, Out of the Darkness, and Baby Love) were published by Harlequin Temptation under her pseudonym, Binnie Syril. She is also a […]
Sponsored by the Manuscript Society. Monday, April 4, 2022 How to Write Your Own Book – A Live Interview with Allen Ottens, author of: “General A. Rawlins: No Ordinary Man” Ever wondered how to write a book and get it published? Allen Ottens, Manuscript Society Trustee and Author of “General […]