by Jennifer Larson, FABS Chair
JOIN FABS via Zoom for Bookish Presentations and Discussion
The FABS (Fellowship of American Bibliophilic Societies) special interest Zoom groups are up and running! We invite you to share items from collection(s), discuss bookish matters and learn from fellow bibliophiles in an informal group setting online. Join us by sending a message to FABS Chair Jennifer Larson: and specifying the group(s) you wish to join. Meetings are listed in the FABS event calendar at
The Handpress Era group (“printed books and other printed works created before ca. 1800”) co-hosted by David DiLaura, Matt Brehe and Jennifer Larson, meets the second Monday of the month. Our inaugural session featured Seattle collector Matt Brehe on a red frisket sheet found in binder’s waste in a 17th century book from his collection, and David DiLaura on “Optics Books in the Transition from Manuscripts to Printing.”
The Bindings special interest group, co-hosted by Lang Ingalls, Jodee Fenton and Marc Chavez, will meet on the third Monday of the month. “The Bindings Interest Group hosts discussions and presentations that share collections and information on bookbindings of all periods. Topics include, but are not limited to, history, design and aesthetics, innovation, materials and craft techniques.” The first session (Sept. 18) features miniature bindings presented by members of the Miniature Book Society.
The 19th Century special interest group, co-hosted by Bill Bryson and Richard Kopley, will meet the third Thursday of the month from 7:30-8:30 beginning September 21. This SIG offers “a broad look at the 19th Century bibliophilic world; presentations and discussion for collectors, scholars, creatives and other book professionals.”
The Americas special interest group, co-hosted by Dan Friedus and Len Banco, needs additional volunteer organizers and the time is TBD. It will focus on “books, manuscripts and other works on paper of any era, created in or focusing on the culture and history of any area of the Western hemisphere.”
FABS is looking for volunteer organizer/moderators and participants for the following groups to meet in Spring 2024:
Living With Books: Co-hosted by The Private Library author Reid Byers, this group will cover acquisition, history of collecting, cataloging and photographing of collection materials, home libraries, book furniture, conservation and storage, etc.
Illustration: Book illustration techniques and processes; illustrators; color plate books; photography; cover and dust-jacket art, etc.