Sponsored by The Book Club of Washington Dating from 1853, the Washington State Library is the state’s oldest cultural institution, preserving for decades items not duplicated elsewhere that hold the answers to so many questions about the past. Come along on our virtual guided tour of this research playground! Register […]
Book Club of Washington
Sponsored by The Book Club of Washington Online Sunday, October 22, 2 PM PDT What bibliophile could resist an introduction to the early history and development of the private library of J. Pierpont Morgan? John McQuillen elaborates on the rich scope of his talk: “Morgan had an exemplary eye for […]
Sponsored by The Book Club of Washington It’s always a pleasure to give this award to someone who has made a significant contribution to the culture of the book in our state, and fellow bibliophiles in attendance love hearing from the awardee how they got hooked on books and where […]
Sponsored by The Book Club of Washington Buying and Building One of the World’s Greatest Libraries Presentation by Dr. Vanessa Wilkie Senior Curator of Medieval Manuscripts & British History at The Huntington Library Online Sunday, August 20, 2 pm PDT Register here: https://www.bookclubofwashington.org/events-1/buying-and-building-one-of-the-worlds-greatest-libraries Dr. Wilkie will take us back to […]
Sponsored by the Book Club of Washington All are welcome at the BCW Annual Meeting. We transact a little business, including making awards to students, and enjoy a special presentation that is the inspiration for a related keepsake. This year our featured speaker is distinguished poet Dr. Sharon Cumberland. About […]
Sponsored by The Book Club of Washington Online Sunday, November 13, 12 pm (PDT) Register for this event on The Book Club of Washington’s website: www.bookclubofwashington.org Jessica Starr (Jarndyce Antiquarian Booksellers) and Ben Maggs (Maggs Bros. Ltd.) will provide a glimpse behind the curtain of the rare book trade in […]
Sponsored by The Book Club of Washington Sun Oct 23, 2:00pm Pacific Time Book Club of Washington member Steven Woolfolk opened Xenophile Bibliopole & Armorer, Chronopolis with Brian Sheldon in December 2019. We’ve arranged a virtual visit with them to learn about its special contents. The exterior alone suggests that […]
Sponsored by The Book Club of Washington Online Sunday, August 28, 1 p.m. Los Angeles time Register for this event on our website: www.bookclubofwashington.org Professor Art Seto will introduce us to some of the museums, libraries and other book and printing centers that he has been motivated to experience by […]
Sponsored by the Book Club of Washington Held in conjunction with the Club’s 40th Annual Business meeting. This event will be live-streamed so that additional members and guests can participate. The program will also include the presentation of the Robert D. Monroe Award. Professor Art Seto will discuss and show […]