Sponsored by The Grolier Club Jason W. Dean will give a talk on an under-appreciated figure in the history of the fine press, Texas printer Carl Hertzog (1902-1984). In his career of 61 years, he earned numerous awards and wide recognition, including from the AIGA and the Rounce and Coffin […]
book design
Sponsored by The Book Club of California In 1970 John A. Lehner attended The Decorative Designers Exhibition and was captivated by the originality and variety of The Decorative Designers’ work. The Decorative Designers operated as a firm, as opposed to individual artists, to present publishers with designs hand-painted onto the […]
Sponsored by The Caxton Club April Evening Program Join us in welcoming Caxtonian Bruce Kennett as he discusses W.A. Dwiggins and his Athalinthia via Zoom. Produced entirely in New England, Athalinthia is filled with delights. It comes straight from the imagination and heart of W.A. Dwiggins (WAD), one of the great visual artists of […]
By Bruce Kennett Wise and witty stories, they are a pleasure to read, but to savorthe line and color art is its own special experience. — Steve Heller The name W. A. Dwiggins will certainly be familiar to many FABS members. Dwiggins (1880–1956) was a quintessential maker, and a volcano […]
Sponsored by The Caxton Club Zoom event open to the public. September 27, 6:30pm Chicago time George Salter (1897–1967) was a German-born and, from 1940 on, American calligrapher, book and book jacket designer, illustrator, and teacher who revolutionized the world of book jacket design. His design work ranged from best […]
Sponsored by The Book Club of California June 20, 6:00 PM – 7:15 PM Los Angeles time | In-Person exhibition opening and Livestream on Zoom Poets, scribes, and printers throughout history have taken advantage of the fact that poetry is both a visual and a verbal art. From the collection […]