Editor’s note: This review is reprinted from the Jan/Feb 2024 issue of The Caxtonian with the kind permission of John Hoover and The Caxton Club. by John Hoover Virginia Kramer and Timothy Hawley. A Bibliography of The Printery: The Private Press of Kay Michael Kramer. St. Louis: Mercantile Library Association, 2023. Limited […]
fine printing
Sponsored by The Grolier Club Jason W. Dean will give a talk on an under-appreciated figure in the history of the fine press, Texas printer Carl Hertzog (1902-1984). In his career of 61 years, he earned numerous awards and wide recognition, including from the AIGA and the Rounce and Coffin […]
Sponsored by The Book Club of California Australia has a long history of fine printing, which is mostly unknown outside of the country itself. ‘Printing is like religion’, acclaimed Australian book artist Alec Bolton once said, ‘We live in sin, but with the hope of perfection before us.’ And while […]
Sponsored by The Caxton Club April Evening Program Join us in welcoming Caxtonian Bruce Kennett as he discusses W.A. Dwiggins and his Athalinthia via Zoom. Produced entirely in New England, Athalinthia is filled with delights. It comes straight from the imagination and heart of W.A. Dwiggins (WAD), one of the great visual artists of […]
Sponsored by the Grolier Club Plain Wrapper Press Redux publisher Mark E. Fischer, with Grolier Club member, printer and designer Jerry Kelly, and Plain Wrapper Press printer/publisher Gabriel Rummonds, will discuss the recent revival of a decades-old handpress known for its finely printed and illustrated limited editions of poetry and […]