Editor’s Note: The following tribute to bibliophile and Friend of FABS Jerry Morris was published in The Florida Bibliophile, April 2022, Volume 38, No. 8. Thanks to Florida Bibliophiles President Charles Brown for permission to reprint. For Jerry’s final post, click HERE.

Jerry Morris, Vice President of the Florida Bibliophile Society and a long-time member, passed away on April 3, 2022, just as the Sunday session of the Florida Antiquarian Book Fair was opening. He was surrounded by friends and books. Over the past few years, Jerry had a number of health issues and medical procedures, but he remained as devoted as ever to his family, his books, and the Florida Bibliophile Society. In the past couple of years, a compact oxygen generator was hard pressed to keep up with his tireless activity and determination to be present at every event and activity. He has been a pillar of the Florida Bibliophile Society and a prodigious collector and writer in several areas of collecting, most prominently Books on Books and materials related to Samuel Johnson. His network in the book world was extensive and always growing, even bringing a book collector from Slovenia to present (via Zoom) at a recent Florida Bibliophile Society meeting. He described himself as a father of four, grandfather of many, and great-grandfather of five. He retired from two careers – as a Radar Navigation Technician in the U.S. Air Force and then as a Rural Mail Carrier for the U.S. Postal Service – to take on a third as a full-time bibliophile. To his wife Linda, his children and their families, and his many friends – ourselves lucky to be among them – we extend our most heartfelt condolences.
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